PhD scholarships at Leicester University
VIRI would like to share information about PhD scholarships from the University of Leicester School of Business. A total of three full-year scholarships starting in September 2018 are awarded for the best candidate.
VIRI would like to share information about PhD scholarships from the University of Leicester School of Business. A total of three full-year scholarships starting in September 2018 are awarded for the best candidate. For more information, please visit: “
If you have any further questions, kindly contact to:
Dr. Marta Gasparin
(Ph.D., MSc, MScSc, FHEA)
Lecturer in Creative Design and Management
Room 615 (KEB)
Commercial School
INTO Chamber,
University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom
t: +44 (0) 116 2331964
m: +44 (0) 7490233315