The Eco Fair project introduces products and promotes trade for businesses participating in fairs in Europe
With the purpose of engaging, connecting trade; creating business opportunities and promoting trade between Vietnamese and European businesses, the Project “Promotion of supply and demand of eco-fair agri-food processing products in Vietnam (Eco-Fair project) will allocate staff to introduce products and promote trade for businesses participating in fairs in Europe. The list of 03 Fairs as follows: 1. Vietnam – EU Trade Promotion Exhibition “ECO-GREEN VIETNAM EXPO 2022” form May 26th to May 29th, 2022 in Bulgaria, and from May 31st to June 3rd, 2022 in Greece. 2. Organic fair “BIOFACH INTO ORGANIC” from July 26th to July 29th, 2022 in Nurnberg, Germany 3. International Food Industry Fair “SIAL PARIS” held from 15-19 October 2022 in Paris, France. The project invites businesses to register to participate under the following link: For more information, please contact Eco-Fair project staff: Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Lan – Email: – Mobile: 0979 392171