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Virtual tour and business matching event

The virtualtour and business matching event featuring our production groups in Thua Thien Hue provincewasorganized successfully on September 20 with almost 80 participants

This activity is within the framework of the Green Anamite project of USAID and is implemented by Vietnam Rural Industries Research and Development Institute. Eventhough the producers faced difficulties due to the storm, they were very excited to be connected with new partners and friends.

Sustainable production and consumption is one of the development goals of the United Nations, in which economic development goes hand in hand with the  protection of the environment and the conservation bio-diversity. This is to aviod the adverse consequences of irresponsible development upon future generations. 

The producers have been putting their best efforts forward in order to shift to more sustainable models of production. We value your support and encouragement towards our production groups to help shape future consumption trends.