VIRI joined the SWITCH-Asia Programme 5th Annual Meeting with beautiful display booth!!!
VIRI joined the SWITCH-Asia Programme 5th Annual Meeting from 9-10 October 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Eco-Fair project funded by EU-Switch Asia program (2020-2023) had a beautiful display booth to disseminate results and impact of the project at this Switch Asia Annual Meeting.
Dr. Nguyen Bao Thoa, director of Eco-Fair/VIRI was the resource person for the section: “Scaling from SCP projects to a Circular Economy transition in the Asia and Pacific and Central Asia” with fruitful results.
The section focus on the understand the most relevant impacts from the grant projects, from the perspective of catalyzing and supporting a genuine circular economy transition in the region, including drivers of success and their replication; Draw lessons, learning from results and experiences of mobilizing human, financial and other resources, and government and stakeholders’ commitment and action towards scaling up and sustaining grant project impacts beyond project boundaries and timelines; Identify possible levers for scaled up and sustained project impacts that can be mainstreamed across current and future grant projects for a more transformative impact of the SWITCH-Asia programme.